Known traditionally as English or Persian walnuts, our range of Juglans regia cultivars is available as either 50-70cm 1 year old grafted trees or the commercial volumes of 1.2-1.8m Bare-Rooted grafted trees (in season), we have some larger potted Red Kernelled trees as well.
They should fruit within 2-3 years, the larger Bare-Rooted probably within 2, plant 2 or more compatible trees to ensure good pollination.
Depending on the trees chosen you will need appropriate pollination, ask for advice. If you already have local walnuts close by then they may aid pollination if the male flowers coincide.
Images of nuts on blocks courtesy of Arie Bruin of De Acht Plagen
Red Kernels
Aufhauser Baden
A variety producing giant red kernelled sweet well flavoured nuts up to 7cm long. Medium sized tree , self-fertile.
Buzsaki Pirosbelu
Medium-Large burgundy red nuts, fills the medium thick shell. Moderate growth but good yield.
Czech variety leafs out later than all other Red Walnuts, semi-erect medium dense but smaller tree. Fruits in pairs, easy to crack.
December 2024 & pot now
Petra's Red Medac
From the Danube river in the Vojvodina region of Croatia, is a medium small trees, early-mid bud break, medium sized nut
Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Yalta, Russia. Late bud break, large fruit (38 x 35mm, 15g), Vigour: medium-strong, upright growth, bears strongly coloured fruit early but possibly light cropping.
December 2024 & pot now
Red Moravian
Selected seedling from Moravia, good size and colour, excellent taste
Pot now
Red Rief
Selection from Obstbau station LVWO Weinsberg, Germany. Egg shaped burgundy coloured 30mm nut.
Pot now
Selection from Moldova, good red colour and flavour
Red Seal
Nice red nuts, a Dutch seedling of Robert Livermore, very rare, needs a pollinator.
Rober Livermore
Introduced in 1999 by University of California. The Robert Livermore is a walnut variety produced from a cross of Howard and Juglans purpurea making it the first patented red-kernel walnut. Its leafing date is close to Chandler, occurring around mid-April. The harvest date of Robert Livermore is around the first week of October. It has a lateral fruiting habit with a medium to high yield. Nut is medium to small and round with a good shell seal.
December 2024, some bare-root from our ground. 1.8m
Rote Gubler 2
Tall tree, mid-early into leaf and flower we think. 34mm light shelled nuts, easy to crack and well filled. Mid to high yielding.
Rote Linzer
Large double red nuts, an Austrian variety, produces very big nuts with a bright red kernel and an excellent taste, needs a pollinator.
Strong growing tree with medium thin shelled nuts (30-32mm) well filled with a red nut that has an excellent flavour and keeps well, it's fairly dry when it falls. Early into leaf and needs a pollinator.
Sychrov 2 (OU-TU-5)
New Czech cultivar with large (upto 38mm) thin shelled nuts, first time it's been available.
Pot now
Commercial Desert Nuts
A117 Kesei
New Hungarian Cultivar. Upright fast growing tree, loose canopy, very late budding, highly productive, lateral bearing, large nuts 38mm
December Bare Root, some from Feb 2024 in the ground here.
Late leafing Amercian variety, upright medium sized tree. Large nuts well filled with a pale kernel, partly self-fertile. Thin shell and easy to crack.
December Bare Root
Large good quality globular nut similar to Fernor (but larger) and a good pollinator for the same variety. Heaver cropping than Franquette.
December Bare Root
A moderate growing French variety,very precocious, late into leaf and excellent kernel quality. Heaver cropping than Franquette & possible Lara, flowers have good frost resistance.
December Bare Root
Superb late season quality, large with a thin shell. Strong growing but late into leaf so avoiding frosts. Very pointed nut. Relaiable Terminal bearer- for pollination.
December Bare Root
Large vigorous tree, a heavy cropping large round walnut from the U.S.A. Excellent quality - Needs Franquette/Fernette as pollinator. Good quality kernel, cracks well and taste is good, good oil production.
December Bare Root
Large strong growing tree with broad open crown. Mid-Late leafing and flowering. Very large nut with straw coloured kernel high in oil with a good flavour.
December Bare Root
Other Desert Nuts
Strong growing tree, late leafing & flowering, protandrous with large nuts 35mm. Drought and blight resisitance.
Pot now
Big & Easy
Selection of nursery “De Acht plagen”, big and easy to open nut. Protandric, almost no overlap, will need a pollinator. Pollinators need to flower late.
December 2024
A selected seedling from De Smallekamp in the Netherlands. A vigorous wide tree which flowers mid season and is self-fertile and apomictic, large oval nuts with sweet pale kernels which keep well. Leaf's out late April so misses most frosts.
Ronde de Montignac x Chandler. More compact than Ronde Montignac with an identical Budburst, male flowering close to Ronde de Montignac, 10 to 15 days after Fernette. Maturity end of September between Lara and Franquette, productivity higher than Ronde, very suitable for the flowering of Franquette and the end of Lara
Pot now
Romanian cultivar with a good size nut, 34mm, mid season flowering. We found a couple in an orchard we were harvesting and like them.
December 2024
Medium growing tree from the Czech republic that is very fertile, high yield, large and grey-brown, good taste. Finely wrinkled shell. Mars good pollinator. Good here.
December 2024
Medium sized tree, disease resistant and self-fertile producing large sweet oval nut with pronounced tip, lightly wrinkled thin shell. Leaf's out late April so resitant to most frost. Good here
December 2024
Milotai 10
Big smooth round nut well filled, very high oil %, light yellow kernel with a good taste and high yielding. Medium early into leaf, vigorous tree.
December 2024
Tiszacsécsi 83
Tiszacsécsi 83
December 2024
Dwarf Trees
Danish dwarf cluster nut, 2.5x3m at 15 years, small nut (28mm) cracks easily. Partly self-fertile adn possibly apomictic. Kernel slightly lighter colour than Amanda
Danish dwarf cluster nut, 2.5x3m at 15 years, small to medium nut (28-30mm) cracks easily. Partly self-fertile adn possibly apomictic.
A few Pots
Mini Multiflora no. 9
A dwarf form of the walnut, is self-fertile, and will fruit within 1-2 years. A small nut in bunches of 2-10, nice sweet taste, the tree keeps producing female flowers during the growing season and has the tendency towards being apomictic. Height after 20 years, 3m
A few Pots
Mini Multiflora no. 14
A dwarf form of the walnut, is self-fertile, and will fruit within 1-2 years. A medium / small nut in bunches of 3-15, nice sweet taste, the tree keeps producing female flowers during the growing season and has the tendency towards being apomictic. Height after 20 years, 2m.
A few Pots
Giant Nuts
Bella Maria
Upright tree with very large nuts (50mm!)are ripen 2nd half of September, cracks cleanly. Self-fertile.
December 2024
Large tree with a giant round nut of Flemish origin and the shell becomes coarse as it ripens. Protogynous flowering, reasonably early so will need a pollinator to match.
Lange wapper
shell. Susceptible to walnut blight in wet areas, ensure good ventilation.
Northdown Clawnut
Large clawnut from Kent, bud break mid season, well filled thin shelled nuts in clusters of 3-6.
A few in pots
Long giant nut of Flemish origin, thin shell. Susceptible to walnut blight in wet areas, ensure good ventilation.